About the Course: ERP is more than just facing one's fear! This educational workshop provides in-depth information for individuals who are interested in a specialized training focused on exposure therapy (i.e., ERP) for OCD. The basic concept of exposure therapy -- learning how to go out one’s comfort zone and do uncomfortable/anxiety-based things in order to overcome one’s fears, is one part of the ERP process. However, there are additional, critical aspects to the ERP process that if overlooked decreases the effectiveness of ERP. This training covers the three core elements of ERP and provides additional, clinical and research-based information for developing your knowledge and skills for doing ERP for OCD. To make her courses user friendly, Kimberly aims to break down specialized training topics into desirable time segments, that allow for the information to be focused, comprehensive and also digestible. This training is approximately 30 minutes long (actual running time, 34 minutes and 33 seconds). Who is this Training for: The information included in this training is valuable for individuals who are looking to better understand how to do ERP for OCD. In addition to the three core parts of the ERP process, information such as how often and how much time to spend doing exposures during therapy sessions and keys for practicing exposures in between sessions are also covered. If you are not in therapy, this information can help inform your own self-guided exposure work. If you are in therapy, it may be helpful to discuss the information in this presentation with your therapist. For therapists, the information provides practical strategies and recommendations to use with clients.